noraplan unita key visual mobil version


noraplan® unita

When soft rubber and solid granite unite, something astonishing is made. Real granite chips embedded in a high-quality rubber floor covering create fascinating visual depth. This fusion of opposites results in a timeless and extremely appealing design that will give your project a distinctive character. Unique like the stars in the night sky.

Key Features

Rubber floor covering with a perfect combination of permanently resilient rubber and randomly dispersed granite chips. The fine scatter of chips in noraplan® unita lends it a discreet appearance. The design is deliberately purist and simple.

noraplan unita floor covering at university of applied sciences, Rotterdam
noraplan unita floor covering in a canteen at Boa Vista office building, Hamburg
nora systems, noraplan unita, pastell green, wood-brown, black
nora systems, noraplan unita, collage grey - green - blue
nora systems, noraplan unita, collage, russet, grey-brown
nora systems, Mood noraplan unita
Preview image noraplan unita product video

Design Your Own Room

Use our or your own room scenes for a virtual installation with nora floorings. Play and compare. Share your ideas or download your selection for your CAD program.

Design a room

noraplan® unita standard colours


Accessories for color

*Not exactly matching the base colour, nora system’s recommendation
Logo Blue Angel
The Blue Angel

Logo Greenguard Gold
Greenguard Gold

Logo UZ Oesterrreich
Austrian eco-label

eco-bau "eco 2"

Logo M1

Logo Etiquetage

Logo Byggvarubedoemningen

Logo EPD
EPDs from Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V.

Certification Mark Indoor Air Comfort GOld
Indoor Air Comfort Gold

Logo Cradle to Cradle silver
Cradle to Cradle Certified® Silver

Singapore Green Building Product

Global Green Tag


Installation & Maintenance


Successful rubber floor installation is a combination of high-quality floor covering, proper subfloor preparation and skillful workmanship. nora installation guides provide all the information you need to help ensure that your rubber floor installation will look great and perform well for years to come.

more information >


Your nora rubber flooring requires no finishing, waxing or sealing. All nora floor coverings have a dense, nonporous and dirt-repellant surface—eliminating the need to use unfriendly, harsh cleaning chemicals. Understanding how to properly clean and maintain your new rubber floor, even by using just water, will help you keep it looking attractive for years to come. Follow the tips below and download the specific care guide for your application.

more information >

Product Dimensions

Article 1640

Format: Sheet
Thickness: 2.0 mm
Dimension: ~1.22 m x 15.0 m
nora® profile connection dimension: A + U

Project References

C.T. Stork College

Netherlands (Hengelo)
norament® 926 arago, noraplan® unita | Education

Two schools, one building. Adapted to the environment. A new building featuring two different schools that grow together after completion to form a single school; this was the desire of two school boards in the Dutch municipality of Hengelo in the eastern part of the country.

L&T Sport, Osnabrück: Where shopping becomes an experience

Germany (Osnabrück)
nora® nTx, noraplan® unita | Shops & Stores

At Sporthaus L&T, noraplan® unita nTx provides a modern industrial look Varied, innovative, and visually attractive: These are all deciding factors for traditional retail outlets when it comes to appealing to a wide range of buyers in the face of online competition. Making shopping an experience is where the future lies. Sporthaus L&T, which opened in Osnabrück at the beginning of March 2018, is running with this concept in every respect.

hamburgmuseum Hamburg

Germany (Hamburg)
noraplan® unita | Public Buildings

“Port as pacesetter. Hamburg’s urban development in the 20th century” is the name of the new permanent exhibition in hamburgmuseum which has been completing the so-called Historical Round Tour since June 2012.

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How to contact us
Flooring Finder
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