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Good acoustics, particularly the attenuation of unwanted ambient noise, can be the difference between a restful night of healing at the hospital for a patient, or waking up periodically to the rolling carts coming down the hallway. It can be the difference between a great test score, after being able to hear your teacher clearly and take proper notes, or receiving a failing grade. nora rubber’s ability to dampen unwanted sound can directly impact important outcomes in your facility.
Read here how to minimize the soundscape and noise load by choosing a acoustical flooring.
Everything that a person hears is called sound. A physical condition that is with us every day. Whether in the form of spoken words or the clattering of heels. In the case of sound, it is a matter of noise generation, sound absorption, and sound transmission.
With norament and noraplan floor coverings, you can reduce the soundscape significantly (impact sound reduction of up to 20 dB). Thanks to its permanently resilient surface, less impact sound is produced than on hard floors. This is how you minimize distracting noises.
Thats why you'll have a better concentration with a acousical flooring.
In hospitals, noise is one of the most common complaints. Studies show that increases in noise level can lead to sleep disorders and delayed recovery. A constant soundscape creates stress and communication difficulties for doctors and nurses as well.
According to research carried out by scientists at Intertek in Cortland/ New York, norament and noraplan rubber floorings improve room acoustics by reducing the distracting noises produced when walking on the floor.
If you would like to learn more, talk to our sales experts.
The noise level emanating from a floor depends largely on the type of floor covering. The resilient properties of norament and noraplan floor coverings significantly reduce room noise.
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