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During passenger transport, snow, rain, and dirt routinely accumulate in a vehicle, which increases the risk of slipping. The liquids, greases, and oils used in areas such as beverage and food retail can also affect the safety and stability of your passengers nora rubber’s ability to provide enhanced slip resistance in both wet and dry conditions adds another layer of security for your travelers.
You carry the responsibility for the well-being and safety of your passengers. Smooth, slippery floor coverings often result in falls and accidents that, in turn, result in injuries. This can also lead to negative headlines, lawsuits, and claims for damages. Slip resistant floor coverings minimize the risk of falls and promote a safe environment.
nora coverings feature enhanced slip resistance. They are tested according to DIN EN 16165 and receive a grade of R9, R10, or R11 for surface structure. The non-slip requirements for entry areas are often higher than for other areas. nora offers the right products for all of these surfaces.
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